Well , it's finally here, and not a moment too soon. I haven't posted in months. I'll blame some of the procrastination on today's election. Like many former able-bodied workers, I have spent countless hours watching the web wires for the latest info on the moose hunter of all elections.
One place where I've probably spent 538 hours or so is at fivethirtyeight.com - a meta-meta-polling site that claims to present "electoral politics done right."
Named for the total number of possible electoral votes, FiveThirtyEight.com is the creation of Nate Silver and Sean Quinn, who have developed a unique methodology for polling analysis:
See the site for a much more thorough description of their methodology.
And especially visit it to see the display of results, particularly of the simulated elections.
Which is why I'm posting now, at 1:20 AM EST on November 4th. The latest simulations has Obama winning in 98.1% of the model elections, which ultimately leads to a prediction of Obama getting 52% of the vote to McCain's 46.1%. The electoral breakdown is predicted to be 346.5 to 191.5 for Obama (I could not find where the 0.5 electoral vote comes from)
Naturally I am as interested in the accuracy of these predictions as I am interested in the outcome. I will post an update to this piece as soon as the final numbers are tallied, to check the reliability of FiveThirtyEight.