Is Fractal Art Really Art?

Originally Posted by Jeremiah Noll



Fractal art is a controversial matter, but what in the art world isn't controversial? Contrary the opinions of some dissenters fractals are not easy to make, there are infinite possibilities, it takes a great deal of talent, and it is in no way cheating. Fractal art is an innovative art form and it will likely be the next art fad. Some of the greatest art was at some time controversial.
The fractal software on the web that I recommend is Sterling Fractal Generator, Chaos Pro, and Terragen.
These are also free and can be downloaded with little trouble. You can also check out the fractal portion of my website.
By the way they are both unreal.
Student Post

Reader Comments (4)
Fractal art may take talent, skill and time, but what does it really mean? There is no meaning behind it, no visual intent for the most part. I think that is the problem people have with it. Its not so much that it is produced by computers or how it looks, its just that there is no emotion conveyed through the piece.
Its not symbolic of anything, there is no multiple meanings, hidden intent, wonderous creation by human hands. That is what's missing. Even if it is a urinal, there is intent to convey some sort of emotion. Can fractal images do the same? I do think they are interesting and are visually stimulating, but I do not think they are comparable to other works of art.
Fractal-like concepts have been used in art for centuries, so why can't the fractals themselves be art. And also, if one considers a videogame art, the landscapes are made of fractal software. What now unbelievers.
I believe fractals have a place in future art. Just like photography before it, Fractals will become art. It is just a matter of time.
Unlike the previous poster, John Sehi, I do see meaning and visual intent in fractals. But I also feel that one must have a good imagination to see the meanings and emotions displayed within them.
Fractals invoke thought and wonder. They cause people to think about what they are seeing, generate discussion at gatherings and are usually soothing to the eye. Fractals make great pieces for home decor. When I show people my art (traditional and fractals), it is the fractals that they are drawn to most often. ^_^
Why not post back with the URL of your work?