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Classroom Chaos Redux Final

Originally Posted by Sean Houlihan

My final project was a computer program that dealt with recreating the classroom chaos concerning the Logistic Growth map and producing new a various forms of analysis for it. I felt I was successful in producing my goal. However, some aspects are not as accurate as i would have like them to be. Hopefully, I will be able to work on it in the future in order to create a truly refined program. I would have like to put up a download of the program for everyone, however, I do not know how to do that. So if anyone could tell me how, it would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe, one-day, RAD will use my program in his class.

Please let me know what you (the class) thought of my project!

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Reader Comments (1)

Sean - Your app really does some nice things that I haven't seen before - especially the embedding feature. The LabView interface makes it really easy to use, and I will use it in the next incarnation of the course (with full credit to you, of course.)

About posting a file: you'll need a URL for your file, then you'll make a hyperlink in your blogpost with this address. To do this, FTP your file to your public_html folder on the alpha server. Stop by and I'll help with this if you haven't done it before.
December 21, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterRich DiDio

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